Harcourt Road :   Collecting and Showcasing parallel histories of Community Organising in two streets of the same name In Sheffield and Hong Kong

BBEST Green Space Survey


In 2015, the BBEST (Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Somerfield, and Tapton) Action Group, with the involvement of dedicated community organisers from Harcourt Road, commissioned a consultancy firm to conduct a Green Space Survey. The report revealed that the various small green spaces within the BBEST area collectively form a vital part of the local green infrastructure.



Get Involved / Contact


Instagram: @harcourtroad

Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN

C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP

Harcourt Road: Collecting and Showcasing parallel histories of Community Organising in two streets of the same name In Sheffield and Hong Kong

Harcourt Road
is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Curated by Bloc Projects.