Residents at BBEST casted thier vote in a referedem for the neighborhood plan on 6 May 2021. Almost 92 per cent voted in favour of the plan in this referendum for around 7,500 residents.
BBEST 居民喺2021年5月6日投票參與社區規劃公投,喺大約7,500名居民中,接近92%支持呢項規劃。
Harcourt Road residents joined Sheffield COP 26 Coalition climate change rally at Barkers Pool, with their DIY banner on 6 Nov 2021.
2021年11月6號 夏慤道居民帶埋自己製作嘅橫額參加COP 26聯盟氣候變化集會。
Image credit: Sheffield City Archives
感謝 Sheffield City Archives 授權展示
Instagram: @harcourtroad
Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN
C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP
Harcourt Road
Curated by Bloc Projects.