"Penny's Crossing" was set up after more than a decade of efforts led by local resident Penny Ralph from Harcourt Road. This is a pedestrian traffic light installed at the Crookesmoore Road and Barber Road intersection. As a token of gratitude to Penny's dedication to the everyday safety of the neighbourhood, the crossroad is now affectionately referenced by local residents as "Penny's Crossing."
經由Harcourt Road街坊Penny Ralph 帶領,爭取咗十幾年,位於 Crookesmoore Road同Barber Road交匯十字路口嘅交通燈過路系統,終於完成。Harcourt Road街坊有見Penny鍥而不捨咁為大家爭取日常生活嘅安全,大家都暱稱呢個十字路口做"Penny's Crossing"
Instagram: @harcourtroad
Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN
C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP
Harcourt Road
Curated by Bloc Projects.