During the Umbrella Movement, many grassroots creative activities emerge. Amongst them was a printmaking stall, where people could print designs related to the movement onto personal items (notably: the yellow umbrella). Other activities included drawing, painting, origami, public installations and projections, a community library etc. Other important maintenance initiatives also emerged, like cleaning up, recycling and the sharing of food and drinks.
雨傘運動現場,出現咗好多民間自發嘅創作活動, 例如有版畫印刷攤檔,畀市民將同運動有關嘅圖案設計,印係自己帶嚟嘅物品,好似展場呢把遮咁。其他創意嘢仲有各種繪畫、摺紙、公共裝置同投影,社區圖書館嘅設置等等等等。另外,當然有自發清潔街道呀,同埋有各式各樣嘅分享: 例如分享食物同飲品咁啦!
Instagram: @harcourtroad
Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN
C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP
Harcourt Road
Curated by Bloc Projects.