The “Umbrella Movement” refers to a series of civil disobedience protests in Hong Kong from September 28 to December 15, 2014, lasting a total of 79 days. The movement sought to pressure the Hong Kong government to implement “genuine universal suffrage.” The name “Umbrella Movement” comes from the fact that frontline protesters often used umbrellas to shield themselves from pepper spray deployed by the police and to resist their use of force, giving rise to the movement’s name. The primary demands were for public nomination rights in the Chief Executive election and the abolition of the Legislative Council’s functional constituencies, with the aim of achieving genuine universal suffrage for both the Chief Executive and Legislative Council members, as supported by the majority of Hong Kong citizens. At the time, a large number of protesters spontaneously occupied several major roads, conducting sit-ins and marches in areas such as Admiralty, Tamar, Central, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, and Tsim Sha Tsui, in an effort to put pressure on the government for reform. The main areas of occupation during the Umbrella Movement included Harcourt Road in Admiralty, Nathan Road and Argyle Street in Mong Kok, and Hennessy Road and Yee Wo Street in Causeway Bay, covering a total of three key locations.
「雨傘運動」(Umbrella Movement)係指喺2014年9月28號至12月15號,總共79日,喺香港發生嘅一系列爭取香港政府落實「真普選」嘅公民抗命運動。「雨傘運動」個名主要係因為前線示威者喺抗爭時,通常用雨傘去遮擋警察施放嘅胡椒噴霧,同抵抗佢哋武力鎮壓,所以就出現呢個名。 為咗爭取行政長官選舉嘅公民提名權,同埋廢除立法會功能組別,以真正落實普遍香港人認同嘅全民普選行政長官同立法會議員,當時,大量示威者自發佔領多個主要幹道進行靜坐及遊行,佔領範圍包括金鐘、添馬艦、中環、灣仔、銅鑼灣、旺角同埋尖沙咀,希望可以向政府施壓,以求改革。 其後「雨傘運動」主要佔領區有金鐘夏慤道一帶、旺角彌敦道同亞皆老街一帶,同埋銅鑼灣軒尼詩道同怡和街一帶,共三個地點。
Instagram: @harcourtroad
Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN
C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP
Harcourt Road
Curated by Bloc Projects.