Harcourt Road had a reputation of for drugs and sex workers. The houses nearby the park was considered as the nicer side, with families living there. The other side was a bit more rundown.
夏慤道當時有毒犯、性工作者喺度住同埋流連。靠公園一邊嘅屋睇落就好些少,因為有家庭住喺度 ,但另一邊就殘啲、差啲。
[from interview with Jacki Rowley]
1987-1992: Poll tax was introduced by Margaret Thatcher’s government in 1987
“Anti-Poll Tax Group” on Harcourt Road was formed in response
戴卓爾政府於1987年引進人頭稅 夏慤道有街坊組織「反人頭稅小組」
[from interview with Simon Ogden]
Instagram: @harcourtroad
Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN
C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP
Harcourt Road
Curated by Bloc Projects.