In 1984, Margaret Thatcher and Zhao Ziyang signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration in Beijing, with the British government agreeing to hand over Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China in 1997. However, throughout the entire Sino-British negotiations, the people of Hong Kong were not formally involved in the discussions, nor was a referendum held.
戴卓爾和趙紫陽於1984年喺北京簽署中英聯合聲明, 英方承諾喺1997年將香港交畀中華人民共和國,但成個中英談判過程裏面,香港人並無正式參與討論,亦無作出公投。
Image credit: The University of Hong Kong Libraries
感謝 The University of Hong Kong Libraries 授權展示
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Curated by Bloc Projects.