Harcourt Road :   Collecting and Showcasing parallel histories of Community Organising in two streets of the same name In Sheffield and Hong Kong

1841 - Hong Kong

The geographical concept of modern Hong Kong began to develop. 地理上嘅現代香港開始形成,香港人稱之為香港開埠。


At the bottom of the official seal of old Hong Kong is an illustration depicting the British navy landing on Hong Kong Island in 1841. Many locals refer to this image as the 'Ah Kwan Leading the Way', based on the legend that a Tanka woman named Chan Kwan guided the British troops to the northern part of the island. While there are no further documents confirming Ah Kwan’s identity, it is known that the British government collaborated with Tanka people during the early years of Hong Kong's colonial rule.

舊日香港公印下方,有圖案記錄英軍於1841 年登陸香港島情況。 唔少香港人叫呢幅做「阿群帶路圖」, 因為傳說有一位蜑家婦人陳群當時帶英軍前往港島北面。 雖然未有更多文獻證實阿群嘅身份,但英國政府在管治香港初期,的確同唔少蜑家人有多方合作。


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Instagram: @harcourtroad

Gallery address: Bloc Projects, 71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB
Postal address: 4 Sylvester Street, Sheffield S1 4RN

C & G Artpartment: 71 Holme Lane, Sheffield, S64JP

Harcourt Road: Collecting and Showcasing parallel histories of Community Organising in two streets of the same name In Sheffield and Hong Kong

Harcourt Road
is funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Curated by Bloc Projects.